Gf Central Gf Red River High School
Class Of 1971 |
Are you having trouble logging in? Go to the right hand side that has red sign in button, this site remembers you by your last email address you put in. For example you might have had your work email address or one you don't use anymore. Put the orginal email address in and an email will be sent to that address to change it. If you don't have access to that email any more, I can help change it on my end. I do not have access to your password but I can give you a temporary password to use and you can change it by going to Change Password on the left side menu. Click on Contact on left side menu. Drop down menu will have Contact Us. Click and fill in your email for us to contact you. When requesting to get into your profile, I will need to verify it is you and not someone trying to get into your info. So I will send you a question related to your school years.
This site isn’t about waistlines, hairlines or credit lines...It’s about lifelines. It’s about reconnecting with our friends from some of the best years of our lives.
HOW TO REGISTER- Go to Classmates profile and click on your name. If you would like to be a guest (class of 1969-1973) click on contact us. If you forgot your password hit the red Sign In button on the right of this page and hit forgot password.
This is the OFFICIAL website for the Grand Forks High School Class of 1971. This website is owned by our class and most of the content was created by our class. But you're only seeing a very small part of our huge site. The content is intended for the members and friends of our class. This website is absolutely free to the members of the GF Class of 1971. Your information on this website, including your email address, is not made available to anyone. We do not carry advertising. Even if you can't make it to the reunion, we hope you can use this site to reconnect with your friends.
If you know where a classmate is, please share this website with them. Click on their name, enter their email address and we will send the invitation.
Please take a few minutes to visit 'In Memory' section. It would be great if you added any personal stories about our friends who have passed on.
Here's a blast from the past!!
This web site is under continuous construction, so please keep checking back for new and exciting features, information and announcements!
We all took different paths but every dirt road we’ve walked will lead us back to the friends that know us best.
The ones that will help you up and slap the dust off, without being asked.
• Les Helgason(CHS)
• Cindy Urness(RR)
• Kerry Ohlheiser(CHS) (Nikle)
• Mary Bauer(CHS)
• Lee LaBelle(RR)
• Rod Schnebli(RR)
• Mike Rogalla (CHS)
• Debby Hoff(CHS) (Hodny)
• Carol Johnson(RR) (Wallace)
• Steve Kavli(CHS)
• Jeff Hauser
• Deb Robieson (Kirby)
• Tom Cole(RR)